Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Exp. 5 Something about Nothing

Never have I been so scared. Responsibility is such a huge task that it mortifies, squashes, and paralyses every bit of unorganized movement a human can make. What is the fun in that? Doesn't the human thrive on the chaos that is produced by a free fall of human contingencies? As I near graduation I see my life flash before me. It takes me back to my childhood. My father's voice at my bedside with the love of a lullaby, the smell of fresh racked leaves, mother yelling for me when dinner was ready, and the echo salt makes when it hits a patch of ice. You ask what does this have to do with design. Everything. Design is about seeing. Creatives are the ones that have been blessed with the sight to see. We are like sponges, sensitive to everything around us which we then filter to come up with the right answer, or the solution, that changes our outlook, which once was the problem. Isn't this the definition of responsibility, the ability to take all options into consideration while putting your needs aside to create the perfect outcome. This is not childhood, this is adulthood. And that is scary.  

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