Monday, March 23, 2009

Right Where You Are Sitting Expo #1

Write ten things about where you are sitting right now that you hadn't noticed when you sat down. Use your senses. Do it quickly. Do not Censor. Okay, begin.

1. Air freshener is going bad 
2. Fishing rod in my eye
3. Power switch to lights is still on
4. Sand everywhere
5. The girl on the back of Reax is really hot "UNZIP"
6. A receipt from tiger Mart
7. My yellow fishing line
8. White shrimp bait stinks its crusty
9. 2009 Wild Acres Art Workshops
10. 99.5 Country Music

In 1952, a milk truck driver in Watertown, New York, USA, complained to a local chemist about the smell of spilled milk. Luckily for that driver, the chemist was Julius Samann, who had spent several years extracting essential oils from pine needles in Canada. Samann, quickly discovered that putting high-quality fragrance on porous card stock was a highly effective way to make a quality air freshener. He soon sketched the now famous Little Tree shape and coined the name "Car freshener". An American legend was born!

March is Workplace Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month.
70,000 Eye-Related Injuries on the job each year cost American Business Owners    
450 Billion dollars.

Every year, dead car batteries are the cause of more than five million Roadside Assistance calls to AAA clubs nationwide.

The Typical peanut butter and jelly sandwich eaten on the beach contains over 
7,000 grains of sand.

In field tests Macrodactylus subspinosus or the rose chafer, males were significantly more attracted to feeding virgin females than field collected mated females.

From information gathered in 2002 there were 121,446 gas stations in the USA. 

Fishing with a hook and line is called angling.

16 year old Berkley Bedell, in June 1937, started Berkley in his upstairs bedroom by tying flies from his dog's fur and pet chickens feathers. It is now a multi-billion dollar company.

Not going!

Is such a good depressant! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Let me paint this picture clear, 
I thought I saw her in the mirror.
I heard the sound of her hello,
she wasn't there but what a flow.

The lady at the desk said,''We will call.....
so I sat by the phone all way long.
Grey and White in the corner of my eye,
I had to call the vet just to hear her cry.

Surgery was a success but thats not why,
she follows me everywhere.
I raised her right and thats worth the pay,
Remember it like it was yesterday.

Eyes shut green without site,
Blind from an early plite.
I picked her up without ease,
She ran from me like I was a disease.

Don't know what to say,
I out smarted her in a playful way.
Snatched her up now shes mine, 
Call me if you have the time.

Eyes clear now glass,
The spay was free right to ask.
Heat fear pregnancy,
You should have called to comfort me.

Sherrif said the spay was free,
Find a vet not to worry.

A poem explaining the experience I had with the 
                vet while waiting for my cat to come home,      
 while also highlighting the love I have for my  
cat and the way I found her.                    



Exp. 5 Something about Nothing

Never have I been so scared. Responsibility is such a huge task that it mortifies, squashes, and paralyses every bit of unorganized movement a human can make. What is the fun in that? Doesn't the human thrive on the chaos that is produced by a free fall of human contingencies? As I near graduation I see my life flash before me. It takes me back to my childhood. My father's voice at my bedside with the love of a lullaby, the smell of fresh racked leaves, mother yelling for me when dinner was ready, and the echo salt makes when it hits a patch of ice. You ask what does this have to do with design. Everything. Design is about seeing. Creatives are the ones that have been blessed with the sight to see. We are like sponges, sensitive to everything around us which we then filter to come up with the right answer, or the solution, that changes our outlook, which once was the problem. Isn't this the definition of responsibility, the ability to take all options into consideration while putting your needs aside to create the perfect outcome. This is not childhood, this is adulthood. And that is scary.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What am I doing

This book is not easy! We started off in the beginning of the semester being told that a preconceived notion of the thing we were doing is not good. Now that I have done some experiences, which have been totally random but have spoken to my heart, I am left with exercises of looking. These exercises have helped me see within myself and do things that will improve my process of growth as a human being. It is hard looking at your self because we are our own worst critics. 

Exploration # 49 Alt. Collect Words You find Interesting

Go out and collect words that you find interesting. This is a study of the mundane so I am sure I will find some interesting relationships. Well, I take that back, words are very interesting but it is the fact that they are words that makes it a little mundane, especially looking through a dictionary. Also I will be timing myself this exploration, which will give me only thirty minutes starting now 7:25 a.m. ...................7:55 a.m. ..................

in house
man eater
grow up 
black ball
black bass 
black bear 
black belt 
black bird
black box
aqua vitae
acrylic resin
gang plow
petty officer first class 
zoo geography

These words may not be particularly interesting to you, but it is interesting how the eye moves along the page. The eye works hand and hand with the brain constantly syphoning through words. The words with interest providing a blazon light around the ink that put it there. Surprise! Now you have 1 millionth of a second to determine if the word is of interest or your brain will move on to the next highlighted area of your life.