Monday, January 26, 2009

Experience 1 Response

After reading Why Designers Can't Think I felt this extreme warped or sterile feeling, like I had just been blown out of a vacuum. Especially when the author talks about how we students come out of school thinking we will get jobs right away. Furthermore the job market, being weak right now, heightened this feeling despite not agreeing with the time or setting the book was written in. This weighed on me heavily while doing the exploration and hence the drawings that illustrate a warped perception. I drew illustrations for everything I did in a day and that included the walking of a friends dog named Wally. But first I had to wake-up and eat some breakfast, Frosted Mini-Wheat's of course. Funny it was a day full of things that would not happen on average. So we start off by taking Wally for a walk. This included me forgetting a bag for his $^%&# which was very amusing because he had to go right when an old lady was watching us from her bay window. So of course I waved Hello and signaled to her I needed a bag. She actually came out to greet Wally and deliver the bag. It was great. After that, Wally got off his leash and this is a 90 pound all muscle dog that does what he wants. 

1 comment:

  1. “Funny it was a day full of things that would not happen on average.” This is what happens when you begin to pay attention. It is sort of like being on vacation. Things seem new and alive.
